Our Program



Better Day is open Monday-Friday from 9:30am-4:30pm. Guests have the option to attend anywhere from 2-5 days per week.


Our days are structured yet free flowing, allowing guests to maintain autonomy and freedom. While we begin each day with a general plan, we excel at shifting gears on a dime to best accommodate our guests’ needs and preferences. Our days always include a nutritious and Brain-healthy breakfast and lunch, as well as a myriad of the following:

  • Exercise

  • Music & Art

  • Walks and Time at the Beach

  • Gardening

  • Baking and Cooking

  • Interactive Games

  • Book Club, Discussion Groups, Story Telling

  • Intergenerational Programming

  • Happy Hour, Birthday Celebrations & Holiday Celebrations

You can view a sample of our monthly calendar here.

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Unique Features

What makes Better Day special is our outside-of-the-box programming which keeps our guests as engaged, connected, and independent as possible. Making a better day can look different for everyone, but below are just some of our hallmark offerings that ensure we’re lifting spirits, encouraging independence, and providing a balance of both cognitive and physical stimulation.


Ageless Grace

Our staff are trained to lead Ageless Grace, and incorporate exercise into our program every day. Ageless Grace is a cutting-edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5 functions of the brain—analytical, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall, creativity and imagination—and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function. We move, laugh, and most importantly, have fun!

Arts & Crafts

Art Therapy is fun and rich in benefits for aging seniors in all stages of life. Not an artist?  You’d be surprised that through simple guidance and the appropriate tools, our guests are able to create art that is expressive of emotion and sentiment. Our art projects range from painting with watercolors and canvas to flower arranging-- we even create costume wear!


cooking & baKING

With our open-concept kitchen as one of the focal points of our home, guests are always able to enjoy and experience the aroma of their meals being freshly prepared in-house. In addition, guests can participate and assist with meal preparation and cooking (with supervision).  We also bake for special occasions and just for fun. Our guests love mixing, melting, measuring, and of course, enjoying the finished product.

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Connecting with younger generations helps to lift spirits and has proven benefits to younger and older generations alike. Through relationships with Marlborough High School and Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, we strive to include intergenerational programming into our regular monthly programming.



Music has the unique ability to connect to our soul, spark conversation and even resurface old memories. Through outside entertainers, music therapists, sing-a-longs, musical interludes, and attending local concerts, music is the common denominator that often brings us all together.


Time in Nature & GARDENING

At Better Day, we are not confined to the indoors. Better Day has a large, enclosed yard allowing programming and meals to take place outside. Our property also abuts Fort Meadow Reservoir, allowing the opportunity for our guests to sit at the lakeside and relax. A daily afternoon walk in the community is a hallmark of our program.


"My husband strongly disliked all the medical-model day programs that we visited, but he loves Better Day. He so much looks forward to going that I have steadily increased his attendance. I get much-needed respite, but feel that I’m not just dumping him somewhere—he has a positive, pleasurable place to go. If these are his last days, I very much want him to spend them happily. I’m so grateful that such a unique place is available to us." - Denise L., Concord, MA